Projects Tracker
- djDemocracy
- AI Learning
- music
- my words will always fail me
- writing
- editing
- manuscript publish
- writing
- editing
- manuscript publish
- 3415: Volume 1 marketing
- 3415: Volume 2 writing
- obsidian customization
- digital life optimization
- cloud backups
- cloud data deletes
- social media profiles
- personal (work-related) identity
- personal (work-related) discovery
- software subscriptions
- cloud backups
- cloud data deletes
- social media profiles
- personal (work-related) identity
- personal (work-related) discovery
- software subscriptions
- financial optimizations
- trackers (everywhere, thank you)
- taxation
- savings
- investments
- trackers (everywhere, thank you)
- taxation
- savings
- investments
- learning
- reading non-fiction
- listening to podcasts
- reading non-fiction
- listening to podcasts